Physical Education

Using the physical Education Framework for the State Department of Education, Physical Education is led by teacher, Annie Murphy, and is a program focused on a variety of athletic activities in a fun, controlled environment with a cardiovascular undertone. P.E. classes meet Monday through Friday. The lower grades work on gross motor skills and develop throwing, catching, and kicking skills. As they progress they learn how to improve on their skills and play games that involve teamwork, communication, spatial awareness, passing and receiving (core skills of many sports and games).

Most of the PE lessons are non-competitive. The focus is always on having fun and the rule of thumb is any one who has fun walks away a winner. The 4th and 5th graders get to take part in an optional Recess League Tournament which affords them the chance to play against other rooms in an effort to become “champions” of the sport (soccer, basketball or football). The 5th graders are prepared for their Standardized Fitness Test by doing test specific exercises once a week.